A Message From the Head Mermaid
To our customers and colleagues,
Amidst the constant changes that are affecting us all as COVID-19 continues to interrupt our way of life, it’s been difficult to determine what to do.
For me, the safety of our staff and our customers is my top priority. We’re taking steps to make sure our team is informed and taken care of. We also want our customers to get the products they need to continue their daily lives.
I’ve always talked about the importance of bathing and washing your hands with skin-loving soap, and that’s true now more than ever. Providing products people need to stay clean and healthy is something we take very seriously.
We take pride in caring for and protecting all those that are connected to us. With that in mind,
Here is what Black Mermaid’s SPA is doing to safely meet demands.
As always, our production studio is kept clean and we will continue to clean and sanitize our workspaces using products that are also included in the CDC recommendations.
We are a small, micro-manufacturer with a small team. Our employees work on a flexible schedule and will continue to do so to meet production demands. We support family first. Anyone that wants to take time off for any reason related to the COVID-19 virus has an excused absence and their job will be waiting for them when they return.
Hand washing, given that we all work for a company started by selling soaps, has always been important to us. In accordance with the current CDC recommendations, our employees must wash their hands constantly throughout the day.
In the past 2 years we have had to cancel trade shows and business travel to ensure the health and safety of our staff. We hope to return to our trade show schedule in 2022.
We will monitor all COVID-19 information as it comes out and react accordingly. We are in routine contact with our local health department and monitor the CDC website frequently.
How we can help you:
We are still taking orders online and shipping direct to buyers.
Although we have had requests for pick-ups, we will not be able to meet those at this time. We are practicing social distancing.
Since we all need to wash our hands AND keep our hands out of our faces, make sure you are using the best products for your body. We have reduced the cost of our Body Bars, Face Bars and Body Butters to make them more accessible to everyone.
Thank you for your continued support during these challenging times. Know that we are doing everything we can to get your orders out the door while keeping our employees safe.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to our customer service team.
Please stay safe and healthy.
Keep washing your hands!
Denise Zannu
Head Mermaid
Contact Us
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding our COVID protocols.